Tuesday 17 July 2012

Birthday Weekend Antics ♥

Hello! Hope everyone is OK and had a good weekend, and having a good week. I have been a terrible blogger over the last two weeks which is partly because I've not had that much to blog about due to being on a spending ban, and because we have a lot going on at the moment. Without further ado, I shall continue!

It was my birthday yesterday and I had hit the grand old age of 22. Pass me the wrinkle cream! I have to say 'ooh when I was 21' now, which is slightly depressing! However, I had a great weekend and day, it was great. I met up with some of my workmates from my old job on Sunday night, and had a nice meal with them which was lovely to catch up. Then when I came home Ed went and bought my pressies upstairs and left them by the bed so I could see them all night, so I was so excited to get up, like a little kid.

I thought I would just show you what I got not to gloat, but because I'm a right nosey bugger and love seeing what other people get. I was a very lucky girl this year and Ed got me a Tresor Paris Bracelet which is absolutely stunning. The way it glistens under lights is amazing and it's got a gorgeous heart charm off it too. The packaging is pretty cool too, its a square box with see-through 'bouncy' film inside that suspends the bracelet, very swish. He also remembered I sniffed Burberry Body in Boots the other day and totally LOVED it! So I had that too! If you haven't smelt it yet, go smell it, it's amazing and settles wonderfully.

I love this bracelet, it is so me! It was also our 1st engagement anniversary, so a very special date. I can't believe it's been a year since we were at the top of that Eiffel Tower.

Eds amazing sister (I just call her my own sister anyway) and boyfriend (lets just say sister and brother in law), had made me this amazing scrapbook of photos! I couldn't believe it, they have spent so much time doing the book which I can keep and show to all our kids when we are older. I take gazillions of photos but never print them out, so it was such a nice, touching present which I will keep forever! Here are a few pages out of it.

I got some other great gifts too including earrings, flowers, gift vouchers, jumper and money. I am really thankful for everything and had a great day out shopping with the Mama too! So a Primark haul should be around soon! On the evening Ed and I went to Simpsons restaurant in Birmingham. It is an amazing a la carte style restaurant and we had been once before and definitely recommend it if you have any special occasions coming up!

I went for the purple and turquoise look, and probably looked pretty crazy for that restaurant, but oh well, that's me all over. 

Here was some of the grub we had! I have missed off the Pre Starter which was a Melon Foam, with crab and melon blocks, and the petit fours.
Top right: Rabbit and Ham Hock Terrine to start - (must not think about Peanut)
Top Left: Main course of lamb, which I have never had before believe it or not, feta cheese and erm, things that tasted good!
Bottom left: Pre Dessert of an almond and ginger jelly, sauce and foam which was amazeballs.
Bottom Right: Pudding. The winner of the night and the best pudding I think I've ever had in my life, which was iced crushed strawberries with a few halves, on a bed of chantilly cream and mint jelly cubes. Oh my god, I'm dribbling. Hungry anyone? 

Overall an amazing day and good grub is always a good day to end it. Happy Birthday if yours is around this week too, and have a great day even if it's not.
Ciao for now! XxX

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