Monday 2 July 2012

Weekend Antics: New Tattoo! ♥

Hey Peeps, all had a good weekend? I sure do hope so! 
Ours began with Friday night going to see Marina and the Diamonds perform at the HMV Institute in Birmingham, and I had been so excited about it all day. I had also put in my previous blog post that I was determined to see her after the show, and for her to sign somewhere on me, which I really was! We got to the venue and it was a massively long queue actually, we couldn't believe it, but her popularity appears to be ever increasing. 

Here is the make up I wore for the gig! A bright pink glittery eye with Marina's heart on my face. I had no idea the ticket was the same colour as my make up!

Here was Ed and I as we just arrived in Birmingham.

When Marina first came out singing 'Homewrecker'. She was absolutely amazing, she always sounds just like her songs and puts so much effort into performing. My  favourite was her singing 'Lies', go check it out on Youtube if you haven't heard it, it's my favourite track off the Album, Electra Heart.

This was the queue to try and see her after the gig to get things signed! It went further down to the left and right, with an immense amount of people! Everyone was squishing up to try and get a look, and it was hammering down with rain. Luckily when she did come out, we managed to squeeze up to the gates!

Sorry about the rubbish photos but it was in the dark! Her manager or something was shouting her to go and Ed and I had only just managed to get to the front, and Ed had an LP to get signed too. She turned to leave and I stuck my arm through the gates and shouted 'please can you sign my arm Marina!?' so she quickly turned round, signed me and Eds LP and she left! That's how lucky we were! So I went all ridiculously fangirly, but I was so happy I had managed to achieve what I set out to do that night.
It also made me really happy to get her autograph on me as one of my favourite artists, so off to the tattoo shop I went.

Here is what it looked like when she wrote it with a sharpie.

And here it was tattooed! It didn't hurt much at all, and I love the artistic twist on it!

The photo's probably don't do it much justice, but I love it. A memory to keep with me for life and hopefully I'll be able to show her one day! You only live once, and if that means jumping out of a plane and getting a celebs autograph tattooed on me then so be it.

Ciao for now xXx

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