Wednesday 22 February 2012

Poorly and pancakes!

Hi everyone, long time no blog again, I know. I haven't really had anything great to blog about I guess. I am in my new job now, feels all a bit strange but there you go. I have been ill with the flu too, got over that for a couple of days, and now I have the worst cold ever. I don't know what appears to be cracking on with my immune system, it's gone out the window for some reason, and I am generally not someone who ever gets ill. Bad times.

My head feels a bit full of late. I don't know, feeling a bit down and stuff, probably because of all the changes, and illness and things, but just can't seem to bring myself back up. I really miss my friends, and I guess I am feeling a little cut off. I am seeing two of them tonight so I can't wait for that, although I'm sure they can wait, having to spend the evening with a snot-monster. Nice.

I attempted to do a make up tutorial video the other day, with Ed's sister Maria. However, Ed and Maria's boyfriend Jonny were in the room, do you think we could film it? Nope. They were messing about, all the make up wasn't good because I couldn't concentrate, and although the foundation looked really bad on camera, the finish result photos were great, and it looked good in real life. So here is the messed up video, definitely worth a watch if you need a laugh!

Also, yesterday was pancake day! My poppa (or grandad if you prefer) is a mean pancake maker, so we went to Nan and Pops for it. They were really yummy, and took me straight back to when he used to do them for me when I was a little'un. We had lemon and sugar, strawberries and cream, nutella, golden syrup mmmmmm! The best! 

Thats pretty much it. Oo apart from we are going to see Marina and the Diamonds again this weekend! Friday night down to Cambridge, and Saturday carrying on to Brighton. Should be fun with Maria and Jonny. I shall probably blog via my phone while we are away, or do a vlog. 
Thanks for reading if you are still with me.
Ciao for now xXx


  1. I love pancakes with nutella and sugar... I've got a sweet tooth! I've only just found your blog and am now a follower. :-) xx

    1. Hehe a fellow nutella nut! I just can't help it it's so yummy :) Ahh thank you, I have followed you back, great beauty blog! xxx

  2. Replies
    1. Haha They were yummy lol!! Following you :) x
