Thursday 21 June 2012

Thursday Thoughties - No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara ♥

Hey Guys, time for Thursday Thoughties again, and today it's going to be on the No7 Exceptional Definition Mascara, bit of a mouthful! It claims to be nutrient enriched, so all good and healthy for my little lashlets!
It is priced at around £13.00 I believe, but I had a nifty No7 voucher from Boots, because when you spend over a fiver you get a fiver No7 voucher, which is fab.

I was in need of a new mascara so I thought I might as well spend the voucher and get a No7 one, as I haven't tried any of their mascaras. I usually go for a volumising mascara with a thick-ish bristly brush, you know the ones, but this is pretty much the exact opposite.
I love the sparkly jade green packaging, I think it makes it look quite luxurious and reminds me somewhat of Harrods! 

The brush itself is a plastic bristle brush, with three different lengths on it. The aim of this mascara is to maximise the amount of lashes and not the volume particularly, so I did have to keep this in mind as I'm not used to that. There are teeny tiny bristles one side, to get right into those lashes you couldn't usually reach. Then the two longer ones help to elongate the littluns, and extend the biguns! 
It actually does a really good job, and does give me loads more lashes than what I usually have, with certainly no clumps. I do sometimes feel though that the plastic brush doesn't always pick up a lot of the product, meaning continuously dipping back in the tube, but I can live with that. 

Scary eye picture time... Sorry for the rubbish quality I haven't got my camera with me, but you can just about see that it picks up a lot of lashes! It's also not a 'wet' mascara if you know what I mean, like if you were to sneeze when applying it (how irritating is it when that happens?), it wouldn't really cover your eye in it all because it dries pretty quickly.

Overall I do really like the mascara, but tend to use it first to catch individual lashes, and then use volumising mascara afterwards for more of a flare. 
Keep your eyes peeled as I'm going to do my first giveaway with this mascara soon if you are interested in trying it. Everyone loves a freebie!
Rating out of 5: *****
Ciao for now XxX

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