Wednesday 25 April 2012

Rainbow Tag Questions ♥

Helloooo, I was a little bit bored so I thought I would do a tag. You can ignore this post if it doesn't interest you, but it gives you a little more of an insight into my life! Also, it battles my boredom a little bit! So I found the questions on Jess Ingle's Tumblr, which you may or may not know of so I will link her Tumblr HERE

Here are the Rainbow questions!

Purple: 10 facts about my room
Blue: 9 facts about my family
Green: 8 facts about my body
Yellow: 7 facts about my childhood
Orange: 6 facts about my home town
Red: 5 facts about my best friend
Pink: 4 facts about my parents
White: 3 facts about my personality
Grey: 2 facts about my favourite things
Black: 1 fact about the person I like

Ok here we go, could be a long'un!
1. My room is shared with my fiance!
2. It is full of make up.
3. Its a lovely big room with space for 2 double beds!
4. It has pictures of the Eiffel Tower on the walls - where Ed & I got engaged <3
5. There's probably pants on the floor.
6. It is painted cream but has white furniture and black and white bed covers.
7. Our bed is from Ikea.
8. I do my make up on Eds bedside table rather than my dressing table as it has better light!
9. I have a lamp with an Eiffel Tower base.
10. There are 2 wardrobes in there, with only my clothes in! Eds go in the spare room!
1. It's a big family!
2. Some live in Sutton Coldfield, some live in Leeds and others live in Newcastle.
3. I don't have a full blooded brother or sister...
4. But that doesn't matter because I have 5 siblings, 2 step siblings, and 2 sibling-in-laws!
5. My Mom is a young'un and is more like my sister who I am very close to <3
6. My Nan and Grandad are also young'uns and well with it!
7. I call my Grandad (Moms Dad) Poppa.
8. My other Grandad (Dads Dad) is a Chelsea pensioner in London!
9. I am very close to Eds family, as I am my own.
1. It bugs me.
2. I am trying to do something about it but it's a sure struggle! 1 stone down, plenty to go.
3. I have 9 ear piercings, 2 of which are stretched.
4. I have a double belly piercing.
5. I have a tattoo on my right shoulder on my back of Cherry Blossoms.
6. I have a tattoo of a 'T' on my left wrist for my name (yes in case I forget it =/).
7. I have a tattoo on my left side/ribcage that says 'Love Conquers All' - because it sure does.
8. My hair (if that counts as body) is black and turquoise!
1. It was spent in Sutton Coldfield, north Birmingham UK.
2. I spent my early years living with my Mom, Nan and Poppa.
3. As I got older I stopped over at my Nan and Pops every Friday - without fail.
4. I loved Barbies and only stopped playing with them in year 6!
5. The Sims was an addiction.
6, We never had fizzy pop in the house - probably a good thing as my teeth would be more battered!
7. I met the love of my life when I was 14, online!
1. It's a bit dull really.
2. Most of the shops have shut down, so I never shop there.
3. It used to be a posh area, but now it is ridden with Hooded boys and skateboards.
4. There is only 1 club for a decent night out, the others aren't worth the look - I don't bother at all.
5. It does have a decent selection of restaurants, and the best curry in the world!
6. It has a big park.
1. He is a He.
2. I am engaged to him.
3. He knows every morsel detail about me.
4. I met him on MSN - long story.
5. We are getting married in 2014 in the Lake District!
1. My Mom lives not far from me, and my Dad lives in Leeds.
2. I only met my Dad when I was 18 - another long story.
3. I can talk to my Mom about literally ANYTHING.
4. Although I haven't known my Dad all my life, we have some similar traits!
1. I am an adrenaline junkie!
2. I try and always put others before myself, even if it leaves me outta pocket.
3. I'm a bubbly character who loves a good old chinwag.
1. He's 22 and a Funeral Director.
2. My engagement ring is one of my favourite things - only one in the world designed by Ed and I!
1. He's the best in the whole wide world <3

So there you go, some waffley facts for you! I tag everyone! Please do it if you want even if to conquer your own boredom, I would love to see other peoples responses!
Ciao for now XxX

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