Friday 13 January 2012

Skydive ♥

I got all the forms today for my skydive! It is going to be on the 15th April in Cirencester, and the deposit is paid for. I'm so like OMG I can't believe I am actually doing this, but it's something I've wanted to do even from a young age, and this year I shall conquer it - I hope! So now is the time to get sponsored. Of course I am diving for charity, and all proceeds go to the British Heart Foundation. Unfortunately ten years ago a cousin of mine passed away very young and suddenly due to a heart problem, so any time my family does any fundraising it is to go to the British Heart Foundation. I have from now until April to make as much as I can, so if you can spare a penny or a pound, please drop me an email at and I would be greatly appreciative. Thank you.

I am scared. And so flippin excited!!!

Ed has put up our new chandelier today in our lounge. He's liking doing DIY at the moment, so his new name is Bob. It's a really powerful light, enough bulbs to light half a football pitch! Looks nice all the same. Anyway...I thought I'd take a picture of my main make up box. This is no where near everything I have make up wise because I do have an obsession with the stuff, but it's quite a bit and I love my box of tricks!

I think these a generally called a train case? Correct me if I'm wrong but I think that's what they are known as. Mine is mostly full of Barry M products, especially Dazzle dusts as I've said before. I got the case from the Birmingham Hollistic Health and beauty show at the NEC, which unfortunately is trade only, but if you look online you may be able to grab some tickets. It's a good day out, not as much content as the clothes show obviously, but I got a few good products that I use often from there. The box was around £30 I think, but they had loads of different ones. I'd probably have a look on Ebay if you are after one of these, because websites like Beauty Boxes UK can be a bit of a rip off. 

So my obsession with Barry M came about when I was at college, because I dyed my fringe different colours,  I always wanted my eyeshadow to match. Barry M is of course renowned for it's pigmented, bright colours, so I changed my fringe each week matched the eyeshadow to suit. For Example...

Those were the days. It is the worst feeling looking back at photo's of yourself wishing you were back at that point, being able to look how you want to look and not give a crap. I would do anything to go back to that. My figure, my hair, my skin blah blah blah. It's all but a distant memory now, and I can't imagine ever being able to get it all back. Part of growing older I guess. I miss my hair so much, which is really sad actually but it gave me massive confidence, stupid as it sounds. Oh well, serious life now. Job and place to pay for and all that. If you are at college or uni, bloody enjoy yourself because it's over in a snippet. Oh and take an abundance of photos. 
Ciao for now xX


  1. You're going Skydiving!!! Thats awesome, i'm planning on doing it during the summer time but I know i'm going to get so nervous when I get on that plane!!

    By the way, your hair looks so amazing with that aqua/turquoise color!!
    Pull it off really well!!

    xoxo, maria

  2. I know! I'm going to feel exactly the same, I'm so excited but feel sick too! Haha! You will have to tell me how it goes!
    Ahh thank you, I wish I could still have it, but it sucks when you have to get a job :(
