Tuesday 24 January 2012

Tickets and Cake ♥

Wow it's been a good few days since I have posted! Sorry. I just haven't had a lot of time on my hands since I've been back at work. It still doesn't really feel like I am leaving yet, and I only have 1 week and 4 days left, which alternatively equates to 9 more shifts then I'm outta there. It's creeping up on me now!
So anyway, the title is pretty much as it says on the tin, meaning our Marina and the Diamonds tickets have come! Weheyyyy! We are going down to Cambridge on 24th February to see her, staying over then continuing to Brighton just for a day out, staying there then coming back on the Sunday. So hopefully I will have a blog of nice pics after that! If you don't know of Marina and the Diamonds I would recommend checking her out on Youtube. She is a great alternative pop artist with a definitive, unique style, and we have been big fans since her first single 'Hollywood'. We saw her in London in November and she was amazing live.

Woohoo!!! <3

I haven't really been up to anything exciting. We cooked for Eds family on Sunday, Ed did dinner and I did pudding. I have a trademark chocolate fudge cake, and it is stodgy as anything but it tastes soooo good. Not recommended if you are calorie counting! 

The remaining slice! But I'm sure it isn't going to last very long. I'll let you into a secret...the link to the recipe ! It really is easy and doesn't take very long. The only thing you have to wait a couple of hours for is the Ganache Icing to set, but if you haven't got much time, I also recommend the Betty Crocker Chocolate Frosting. It's already made and only about £2. 

Unfortunately I have come out in a huge breakout around my lips. Ughh I hate spots, no matter how much concealer I use, the little blighters show through somehow. I have just purchased the Witch Blemish Stick, which was around £2.50. I have got a terrible habit of continuously picking at spots, then you get a never ending bleed and so on and so forth. Gross! However, I put this on top this morning and it has actually dried it up straight away. So at the moment, I do recommend this but we shall see if they clear up and how long they will stay away for.

Right, time for me to get ready for work, yet again, otherwise I'm probably going to be late. Hopefully I will blog sooner than later! I'm off to Cumbria on business with Ed on Friday but will be back Saturday hopefully with some pictures too.
Ciao for now xXx

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