Wednesday 16 May 2012

Heyy! I have just been awarded the Laine Blogger award by the lovely Amiiee from Amiieeliciousxo, who has a gorgeous blog about all things beauty and girly!! A massive thank you to her because this is my first one - wahoo!! You can check out her blog HERE
The Laine Blogger Award

The rules are simple:

 1) Link back to the blogger who awarded you.
2) Blog about your award.
3) Give the award to five bloggers.
4) Let them know about it

Ok, so it is my turn to award five lovely bloggers! I have picked these five because I always read their blogs and love their stuff! They are as follows...
Katie from Retro Love19
Sarah from Ohh So Glam
Rachel from Lipstick and Coffee
Gemma from MUA Gemma

So there you go! Thanks again to Amiiee for my first award!
Ciao for now XxX